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Wednesday 22 May 2013

Top 10 Best Social Networking Websites in the World

In the past few years many social networking sites have come into existence and their tremendous popularity shows that the people just love them. At this very moment most of the people living in this world are there on one or the other social networking sites. In the following article we have gathered information about the top ten best social networking sites in the world and they have been ranked on the basis of the number of people who have registered themselves on to these sites. Here follows the list.
10. Orkut
Orkut Top 10 Best Social Networking Websites in the World
With more than 33 million users who are active on this site and around 100,000,000 registered users, the social networking site which is at the number tenth place in this list is Orkut. This social networking site is available throughout the world in around 48 languages and is among one of the most popular social networking websites in the world. Google Inc. owns this website and also looks after the operation on it. Brazil is the country which has the most number of users on this social networking site. In figures it is around 59 percent. Following Brazil is India which has around 27 percent people on it.
9. Bebo
Bebo Top 10 Best Social Networking Websites in the World
Launched in the month of January 2005 the website which is at the number ninth place in this list is Bebo. The company named as Criterion Capital Partners is the current owner of this social networking site. Earlier it was owned by AOL till the year 2010. It is very popular social networking site and has some of the very amazing features on it. It has around 117,000,000 registered users on it. Xochi Birch and Michael Birch are the people who created this web site. Every year this social networking website’s operating income is around 1.1 million US dollars. This web site has the slogan of “Blog Early, Blog Often”.
8. Renren
Renren Top 10 Best Social Networking Websites in the World
With the number of total registered user on this social networking web site as 160,000,000 Renren has been given the number eighth place in this list. This web site is owned by the company named as Xiaonei Network and was launched in the month of December 2005. The headquarters of this web site is located in the city of Beijing, China. Renren is also called as the Chinese version of the extremely popular social networking website named as Facebook. Wang Xing, Lai Binqiang and Wang Huiwen are the people who together made and launched Renren. This social networking website is very popular among the college students of that country.
7. LinkedIn
Linkedin Top 10 Best Social Networking Websites in the World
The specially designed social networking site for the professional people is LinkedIn and this web site is at the number seventh place in our list. There are approximately 160,000,000 registered users on this particular site. With the slogan of “Relationship Matters”, it was launched in the year 2003 and since then it has touched various heights. The headquarters of this professional social networking website is based in the Mountain View, which is in California, United States. Last year this company made revenue of around 522 million US dollars. Mr Reid Hoffman is the Chairman of the LinkedIn Corporation. The whole web site is designed using the Java coding language.
6. Habbo
Habbo Top 10 Best Social Networking Websites in the World
The next social networking website which is in our list is named as Habbo. This web site was first started in the country named as Finland keeping in mind the teenagers. This website belongs to a company named as Sulake Corporation. With total registered users count going up to 268,000,000 this website is at the number sixth place in this list. This website was created by a team of two people named as Aapo Kyrölä and Sampo Karjalainen. First started in Finland this website was gradually launched in various other countries.
5. Sina Weibo
Sina Weibo Top 10 Best Social Networking Websites in the World
Another social networking website which is based in country named as China and has made to the list of the best social networking websites in the world is Sina Weibo. This micro blogging website was launched in the year 2009 after the Chinese government banned most of the social networking site present in the country. Sina Weibo is owned and operated by the company which is named as SINA Corporations. At present there are around 300,000,000 registered users on this particular website and these figures represent how much popular it is in China. At current date there are approximately 100 million messages which are sent and received through this web site daily.
4. Google+
Google+ Top 10 Best Social Networking Websites in the World
Google launched its own social networking website on 28th June 2011 worldwide named as Google+ and within this short interval it has made to the number fourth place in the list of the top ten best social networking websites in the world. This website which is owned and of course operated by the Google has the slogan of “Real life sharing rethought for the web”. At this particular time there are around 400,000,000 registered users on this website. The whole website is designed using the Java and JavaScript programming language and its features are just amazing. At first Google+ was launched with the name of Google Circles but later on after so many modifications and changes done to the interface it was launched with the name of Google+.
3. Qzone
Qzone Top 10 Best Social Networking Websites in the World
The website which is at the number third place in the list which shows the top ten best social networking websites in the world is Qzone. This website was launched in the year 2005 and since then with its unique features it has attracted many people towards it. At this time there are around 480,000,000 registered users on Qzone which is simply very amazing. This website was designed and created by Tencent and on this website you also have the option to do your dairy writing or can also write blogs. This website is only available in the Chinese language.
2. Twitter
Twitter Top 10 Best Social Networking Websites in the World
With more than 500,000,000 registered users on its website, Twitter is at the number second place in the list of the top ten best social networking websites in the world. With the launch of this website on 21st March 2006, the concept of social networking has attained new heights. On Twitter the user can send and receive the so called tweets. This website was designed by a group of people who were Noah Glass, Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone and Evan Williams. It has been reported that every day there are more than 340 million tweets that are done on this website and people are just crazy about it.
1. Facebook
Facebook Top 10 Best Social Networking Websites in the World
With launch of Facebook on 4th February 2004, the world saw a revolution in the field of the social networking websites. With its extra ordinary features and user friendly interface, this website has been praised by one and all. At present there are more than 1,000,000,000 registered users on this website which is far more than any other website in the whole world. This website is owned and operated by the company named as Facebook Inc. Each year this website makes revenue of 3.71 billion US dollars. Mr Mark Zuckerberg is the current chairman of this company whose headquarters is located in California, United States.